The Way of Suffering
Something which the online gurus are loath to speak of is the necessity of suffering on one's spiritual journey. It doesn't qualify as click bait, and no one would willingly sign up for an adventure if they were sure that they'd come back as a husk of the man they once were. "All men die, but few men truly live," to which I would add that some men die more than once; some many times. Martin Luther once said of the common peasant that he dies as a pig dies. Perhaps apocryphal, but he said many similar things during the Peasant's War. What he means is that the internal psychic workings of the great mass of humanity is utterly sensual and incapable of beholding higher truths. This is an accurate assessment. Take one look at the YouTube or Ticktock shorts that garner 10's of millions of views and you are likely to find the basest tripe. Search for something more cerebral and it may have several thousand views. But if the topic is especially esoteric and rar...