
Farmhouse Ale Experiment

 Last year, before my series of surgeries, I set out to prove to myself that a beer could be grown and brewed entirely within the confines of a small farm. This has been successfully attempted recently by a man on YouTube calling his experiment the "50 Meter Beer Project," but there was once a time when he was not the exception. All Old World farmers grew and malted their own grain as well as maintained their own yeast cakes for hundreds or thousands of years. Only relatively recently has this skill set been lost, or in the case of Prohibition, outlawed.  With Prohibition safely behind me, I set out to recreate to the degree possible the ingredients necessary to brew a simple beer. I would at a minimum need barely, hops, water and yeast. I planted winter rye before my surgery, which did quite well until the deer decimated it; spring barley, which was marginal; and hop rhizomes. The water I obtained from the well leaving my only actual purchase the small amount of yeast necess...

Theatricality & Deception. Powerful Agents to the Uninitiated

The events of 7/13 have served, more than any other event, to separate the initiated from the uninitiated. Try having a rational discussion with a red-piller about the supposed assassination attempt. It won't happen. They're emotionally committed to the idea of Trump as a lone ranger against the entire establishment. A machine so vast and competent as to pull off the JFK and 9/11 events without a hitch, but have since lost the ability to even put lead on target from a reasonable distance. Utter nonsense. Theatricality is a powerful tool against the uninitiated. And such are the majority on both sides of the political divide. Can you not see it? Can't you see how the far-right has been mobilized against a very real enemy, but for a team that has not elucidated a vision for the future with anything more than the vaguest idea of justice and prosperity? Shouldn't that concern you? What if I told you that we are governed from both sides by the truly initiated?  Magic, in its...

Operation Warp Speed: Accelerating the Harvest

I get asked all the time: "How do you know? What's your evidence?" The assumption baked into the question is the idea that the authorities must issue an official statement detailing their own wrongdoing before one can possibly know with certainty what exactly is going on. I take a different approach. The religion of the elite is deeply esoteric and relies on sympathetic magic and the use of sigils. Everything they do is packed with symbolism, platonic solids, and numerology. A study of these in connection with Greco-Roman Myth and the scriptures is typically enough to get one started.  There is so much packed into such a small space that this can hardly be said to be either elegant or artful. Some of the renditions are so vague as to almost escape detection. So we will start with the obvious:  1.) The cube. The cube signifies God at the center. It is the same cube found on Saturn's pole; the same cube as the Holy of Holies; the same as the Ka'aba; and the unfolded...

The Way of Suffering

  Something which the online gurus are loath to speak of is the necessity of suffering on one's spiritual journey. It doesn't qualify as click bait, and no one would willingly sign up for an adventure if they were sure that they'd come back as a husk of the man they once were. "All men die, but few men truly live," to which I would add that some men die more than once; some many times.  Martin Luther once said of the common peasant that he dies as a pig dies. Perhaps apocryphal, but he said many similar things during the Peasant's War. What he means is that the internal psychic workings of the great mass of humanity is utterly sensual and incapable of beholding higher truths. This is an accurate assessment. Take one look at the YouTube or Ticktock shorts that garner 10's of millions of views and you are likely to find the basest tripe. Search for something more cerebral and it may have several thousand views. But if the topic is especially esoteric and rar...

Guardians of the Galaxy: A Gnostic Saga

It's probably no coincidence that Hollywood is both dominated by people of Hebrew extraction, and its movies are dominated by Kabbalistic themes. Kabbalism being a Jewish form of Gnosticism, there is much overlap when dissecting titles such The Matrix, or Dark City. What is more subtle is the long, protracted tale of the Guardians trilogy, directed by James Gunn. As a trilogy of films they are my favorite. I much prefer to watch these than Star Wars, which is another Kabbalistic saga. GoG is fun and intelligently written; Gnostic themes may not be obvious until one sees the third installment, but throughout all three films there is a running discussion of metaphor. I think this is our first clue to understanding these films; they are an extended Gnostic metaphor. The 1st film is pulling double duty by introducing a world and a panoply of characters while also setting up the back story for the broader Infinity conflict. The second film acts as an origin story for Star Lord and is Gn...

Remaining Catholic in the 21st Century

 Everyone should have a worldview implode at least once; ideally twice. It opens the mind to new possibilities and gives one a moment of pause before he declares any truth definitively. Mine imploded once as a Baptist, and again as a traditional Catholic. Looking back I wonder how I didn't die of cringe. Baptist pastors barking and bellowing behind a pulpit with such conviction, but rooted in a theological system that never seemed to make anyone better. The egoists and assholes and perverts and swindlers kept showing up, kept being what they were, and never really saw a contradiction between their lives and their faith. Perhaps this is true of every religion. Most of its adherents are nominal and lack even the capacity to examine abstractions. And maybe I could have overlooked this in the laity, but it seemed to infect even the clergy, so called.  Baptists, evangelicals, and the like, are almost universally poorly read. The less broadly they've read, the more certain they are ...

A Recommendation of Amateurism

 We were told growing up to "pursue your dreams," and "do what you love," followed inevitably by the punchline: "and you'll never work a day in your life." This advice is about as damaging as insisting everyone pursue college education without regard for desire or ability. It's one of many stock platitudes that I call "boomerisms," built largely on American myths of success and self-determination.  Of course, none of this has been true for a long time. Take the story of the Tucker automobile as a microcosm: one man with a dream turns it into a business only to have a collusion of government, industry, and media disassemble it before it ever turns a profit. There's a movie about it. But what if Tucker had satisfied himself with building cars in his garage, one at a time? People do this now to great personal satisfaction. Government typically leaves them alone; rival businesses don't even notice; but your neighborhood will notice. G...