The events of 7/13 have served, more than any other event, to separate the initiated from the uninitiated. Try having a rational discussion with a red-piller about the supposed assassination attempt. It won't happen. They're emotionally committed to the idea of Trump as a lone ranger against the entire establishment. A machine so vast and competent as to pull off the JFK and 9/11 events without a hitch, but have since lost the ability to even put lead on target from a reasonable distance. Utter nonsense.
Theatricality is a powerful tool against the uninitiated. And such are the majority on both sides of the political divide. Can you not see it? Can't you see how the far-right has been mobilized against a very real enemy, but for a team that has not elucidated a vision for the future with anything more than the vaguest idea of justice and prosperity? Shouldn't that concern you? What if I told you that we are governed from both sides by the truly initiated?
Magic, in its most mundane form, is really just Hegelian dialectic. Create a force; then create an opposing force to guide humanity as a channel between them. Like two banks of a river, the water cannot flow without them. Omit one bank and the river becomes a stagnant flood plane. Humanity needs action and reaction to move beyond stasis. The initiated have known this for a long time. They are laughing at you.
About this particular instance, what can I say? It is a collection of impossible events sold as the most likely scenario. An impossible shot, a fortuitous movement of the head, an impossible photograph, a man knocked from his shoes, bleeding inconsistent with the injury -- the greatest photo-op of the 21st century thus far. Everything about the event screams "Theatricality and Deception," as Bane explains to Batman in the film, Dark Knight Rises. "Theatricality and deception, powerful agents to the uninitiated . . . But we are initiated, aren't we Bruce????

You have far more than you realize here. What is Bane saying? He and Batman are the two poles of the dialectic. Batman is posing as the lone soldier standing against Bane's horde, but the truth of the matter is that they graduated from the same school. They are both initiated, and the only ones being fooled either by the deceptive Bane or the vigilante Batman is the vulgar rabble of Gotham. In truth, the mystery school which produced both Bane and Batman has a goal which is reached only through such a dialectic. Bane is necessary evil. Batman is necessary vengeance.
Once you see this and accept reality, you may consider yourself initiated. As for myself, I am initiated. I am only an observer in this drama, but this is only because I can see that it is, in fact, a drama. Which brings to bear one last question: if 7/13 was not an assassination attempt, what was it?
It was a coronation. It was an anointing. It was a raising.
An attempt was made on his life on 7/13, Caesar's birthday. Caesar was lured into the presence of the assassins by the promise of a crown and he did not live to be coronated; but Trump has survived, presumably as the heir apparent of a new dynasty.
Trump's ear, hand, and (quite possibly) right toe were anointed with blood as an old testament priest, to which it might be said that Trump is not Jewish. But Miles Mathis has done some genealogical work on Trump and makes a strong case that Trump is a crypto-jew, making him eligible for such honors, in theory.
Finally, it was a dramatic raising ceremony in the tradition of Osirian and Orphic mysteries, which the third degree of Masonry is based on. Would you believe me if I told you that Masons remove both shoes for that very ceremony? Does that put the event into perspective? Vincent Fusca, long time Trump supporter and rally attender said in an interview that he witnessed Trump fall to the ground under the secret service as though he were dead, only then to rise as a man resurrected. Do you really think that interview wasn't scripted? Do you think that perhaps Fusca is telling you exactly what was symbolized?
Trump has had his Katabasis moment. He, like Christ, has descended into Hell. He will be raised up on November 5th as the 47th president. As he has said before, he is the chosen one. But this is all theatrics. It only works on the uninitiated.
Take heed, lest any man deceive you.
- CP
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