Operation Warp Speed: Accelerating the Harvest
I get asked all the time: "How do you know? What's your evidence?" The assumption baked into the question is the idea that the authorities must issue an official statement detailing their own wrongdoing before one can possibly know with certainty what exactly is going on.
I take a different approach. The religion of the elite is deeply esoteric and relies on sympathetic magic and the use of sigils. Everything they do is packed with symbolism, platonic solids, and numerology. A study of these in connection with Greco-Roman Myth and the scriptures is typically enough to get one started.
There is so much packed into such a small space that this can hardly be said to be either elegant or artful. Some of the renditions are so vague as to almost escape detection. So we will start with the obvious:
1.) The cube. The cube signifies God at the center. It is the same cube found on Saturn's pole; the same cube as the Holy of Holies; the same as the Ka'aba; and the unfolded cross of Christ. But this understanding of God is not Orthodox. This cube identifies the Gnostic Yaldbaoth who is the archontic head of human government. It is a cube viewed from an overhead angle at the leading edge of one of its eight points. Viewed from this angle, only six points are visible.
2.) Stars: upright stars with five points signify man. Think of Leonardo's Vitruvian man. There are five of them with five points each, giving us the number five cubed, an intense emphasis of the intended target of the cube and possibly also to the shear number of human beings targeted.
3.) Rays: there are six rays which harken back to the six exposed points of the hexagram/cube in the center of the seal. These rays are projecting from the cube and should be read as the action of Yaldabaoth. The rays strike out at the stars symbolizing mankind. They can also be understood as needle points.
4.) Swords: the three sword points jutting out from the back of the cube are associated with the three of hearts in Tarot. The organ targeted by the "rays" is predominately the heart, with high rates of myocarditis, heart attack, and thrombosis as the result of injection.
5.) Flame: The flame which just out from the bottom right of the cube is the torch of Prometheus. It references the human ingenuity and scientific acumen necessary to achieve the work of Op. Warp Speed.
6.) The outer stars: Eight outer stars signify the eighth day, a day beyond the Sabbath, a new beginning. This program is supposed to usher the nation into a new era, but not necessarily a positive one. Added to the five stars within the seal you get the number 13, which is a bad portent, and also biblically associated with rebellion, i.e. rebellion against the natural order.
7.) Corona: The virus in the center of the cube indicates that this is the agent of Yaldabaoth sent to punish mankind. The aura which expands from the virus forms a solar crown, which is precisely what "Corona" means.
It is very important to read symbolism because from a proper reading one may discover "their" intentions. Did you get the jab? The cube is inseparable from Saturn and his scythe. This entire operation was meant to harvest human souls from the earth, and "Warp Speed" indicates that it is merely an acceleration of a plan already in motion for some time now.
Understand this too, from their perspective the very design of the sigil enabled the success of the operation. They will never NOT project their intentions.
Godspeed to you in your future efforts at decoding; your life may depend on it.
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