Theatricality & Deception. Powerful Agents to the Uninitiated
The events of 7/13 have served, more than any other event, to separate the initiated from the uninitiated. Try having a rational discussion with a red-piller about the supposed assassination attempt. It won't happen. They're emotionally committed to the idea of Trump as a lone ranger against the entire establishment. A machine so vast and competent as to pull off the JFK and 9/11 events without a hitch, but have since lost the ability to even put lead on target from a reasonable distance. Utter nonsense. Theatricality is a powerful tool against the uninitiated. And such are the majority on both sides of the political divide. Can you not see it? Can't you see how the far-right has been mobilized against a very real enemy, but for a team that has not elucidated a vision for the future with anything more than the vaguest idea of justice and prosperity? Shouldn't that concern you? What if I told you that we are governed from both sides by the truly initiated? Magic, in its...